Published: 12:45 AM 1/30/2013
By Diane Tessman
We are composed of bio-plasma, a form of visible matter. Physicists have
discovered dark plasma, a form of dark matter which is abundant
throughout the universe. In fact, there is approximately 6 times more
dark matter than visible matter.
We know there is bio-plasma but is there also dark bio-plasma? Are there
dark matter life-forms? Are there dark matter bio-spheres parallel to
Is there Intelligence visiting us from Dark Earth? Has Visible Earth
(our Earth), always been gravitationally linked to Dark Earth? :
In this article, I prefer the term “Other-Earth” to Dark Earth.
“Dark Earth” inaccurately implies evil or negative; in fact it is called
Dark Earth, sister to our Visible Earth, only because it is composed of
invisible dark matter. There is no “evil” connection to dark matter. To
me, it is one of the regrettable tendencies of Ufology to paint
“ultra-terrestrial” life as inherently evil and threating to us. Why
must we humans always fear the imaginary boogey man?
Illustration of dark plasma ocean in space
A bit of background information on dark matter: Today physicists around
the world are delving into the reality of dark matter and dark plasma
which is one form of dark matter; in doing so, they are radically
changing our knowledge of the universe. Discovering the locations of
dark matter is based on its gravitational effects on surrounding matter.
Dark matter seems to be the source of “extra gravity.” Astronomers have
discovered that the gravitational effects observed in our universe don’t
match the amount of matter perceived. To account for these differences,
it appears that the universe contains a mysterious form of matter that
we can’t see. Throughout the universe, there is approximately six times
as much dark matter as visible matter.
In the 1930s, Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky first observed that some
galaxies were spinning so fast that the stars in them should fly away
from each other. Unfortunately, Zwicky had personality clashes with many
in the astronomy community, so his views weren’t taken very seriously.
In 1962, astronomer Vera Rubin made the same discoveries and had nearly
the same outcome. Her work was mostly disregarded because she was a
woman. Rubin bravely continued her work and by 1978, she had studied 11
spiral galaxies, all of which (including our own Milky Way), were
spinning so fast that the laws of physics ordained they should fly
apart. Together with work from others, this was enough to convince the
astronomy community that something strange was happening.
We are now certain there is far more dark matter than visible matter
which is called baryonic matter. This is that we’re used to, the matter
that comprises us and everything we know and perceive - visible matter.
Gravitons are particles which mediate the gravitational force of our
visible matter.
Today, physicists are working to find whether there is a
super-symmetrical partner to the graviton called - the gravitino - the
mediating force of invisible dark matter.
Indeed, physicists are seeking to prove that the entire universe is
super-symmetrical. Gravitons and gravitinos, if these exist, are mirror
images of each other.
There are growing alarm bells and/or utter wonderment in theoretical
physics that dark matter could have nurtured and evolved life, just as
visible matter on Earth has done. No one knows at this point if beings
of Other-Earth might be able to perceive us. Have they always been aware
of us visible folk? Do they even have eyes? I am getting ahead of
I wish to state that in writing this article, I am relying heavily on
the research and writings of Jay Alfred. His website is
New Dawn magazine has published three fascinating articles by Jay Alfred as well:
“Dark Plasma & Origin of Angels, Aliens, Deities, and Ghosts” New Dawn Special Issue 7
“Aliens from Dark Earth” New Dawn magazine, May-June 2009
“Plasma Aliens from a Parallel of Earth” New Dawn Special Issue 12
While referring to much of Jay Alfred’s work, I also hope to add my own
insights on dark plasma which might explain some UFOs, ghosts, fairies,
jinns, orbs, and even life-after-death experiences.
I recently wrote
Jay Alfred feels advanced Other-Earth beings might have the ability
to convert their dark plasma into our “normal” plasma for a period of
time, and thus Other-Earth might be the origin of bright plasma-UFOs and
UAPs (more on this later).
We do have to ask, if some UFOs are plasma, or manned by
plasma-beings, where is this plasma world of theirs? In researching a
possible answer, I became engrossed (or enveloped), by dark plasma
Dark matter has been found to gather around visible cosmic bodies, like
Any cosmic body with sufficient mass to possess gravity has
apparently also attracted dark matter, which creates “extra gravity.”
In fact, researchers believe that in the early universe, dark matter was
spread out in a web of filaments, some of which still exist.
Illustration: Dark filament web – a bridge between galaxies
It is possible that gravity corridors which offer inter-galactic travel
in relatively short traveling time, would depend on these invisible dark
filaments as much as corridors of the gravity we know, generated by
visible cosmic bodies.
Dark Matter Earth, which I prefer to call Other-Earth, was probably
created at the same time as Visible Earth about 4.6 billion years ago.
The Solar System was just being formed and dark matter filaments and
other components were many times more abundant in the universe than
visible matter. Therefore, since its birth, Earth has always had a dark
halo composed of dark particles originally from the Milky Way’s galactic
dark halo and webbing network.
Over billions of years, this “dark halo” of visible Earth’s was added
to by countless events, including the Moon crashing into Earth (the
Moon having its own dark halo). An ocean of dark plasma formed around
Visible Earth.
Dark plasma has very low density but tends to form in clumps. There are
dark matter and dark plasma clumps all over the universe and sometimes
they form into dark particle clouds or “oceans.”
These plasma oceans are still less dense than matter on Visible
Earth. Visible particles, of which we are composed, are very densely
packed together!
Could these clumps of dark plasma over billions of years, evolve
bio-plasma? Could a form of consciousness have emerged? Could life
itself have emerged?
Some researchers feel evolution would advance more quickly in a less
dense bio-sphere; being dense and thus visible means a constant struggle
against other objects and against gravity itself. There is logic in the
possibility that beings from Other Earth would be more advanced than we
It is very possible that Visible Earth and Other-Earth both originated
and developed life-forms in their own unique ways, as they danced
together over the millennia in perfect super-symmetry.
Our fellow sister-dancer is much larger in area than we are. The
relative dimensions of Other-Earth to Visible Earth seem to be similar
to the giant gas envelope of Planet Jupiter to the actual size of
rocky-surface Jupiter, which is about the size of Earth.
Other-Earth is as large as giant gas-Jupiter and 1,000 Visible Earths
can fit inside. Other-Earth is all around and possibly is super-imposed
over us and our world.
Our dark sister is indeed much larger than we are but she is in fact –
Earth. Her life-forms might be alien to us but they are still from Whole
Earth. No doubt actual space aliens gaze at Earth from space and their
technology helps them perceive the large dark Other-Earth halo and the
tiny solid, dense, visible Earth as one planet.
Illustration of dark plasma halo in space
At this point, we have to ask, what is a life-form? Perhaps “an
intelligence” is a better term because Other Earth natives would not be
solid and dense like we are. Composed of dark bio-plasma, they would
have a lower molecular density, thus could float through walls or zoom
in mind-boggling ways in the atmosphere when they visit us. Sound
Does this account for UFOs, ghosts and more? They likely would “swim”
through our atmosphere; we sink because we are so dense. Gravity really
has a hold on us.
Other Earth is imagined to be a dark plasma ocean; this is their
bio-sphere, their reality, their Planet Earth. It seems they would
develop telepathy for communication because fingers and tongues would
not exist; they would likely be a blob of Intelligence, swimming in the
dark ocean. Might they also be able to shape-shift their form into
shapes which we understand? Are these the shape-shifters of Celtic myth
as well as the folk-lore of other human civilizations?
What is life? Is it always a solid, visible life-form, preferably with
two or four legs, a head and eyes? Is our own life-force defined by our
density, our visibility, by our 2 legs and our head?
Or is our life-force somehow defined by our mind and spirit? Does life
itself dwell in our mind and spirit? Do we believe that our “being-ness”
goes on, even after the death of our dense physical body?
As quantum research delves deeper, we are realizing that life dwells in
consciousness, not in the components of solid visible bodies.
Therefore, we must assume that the life-force of Other-Earth beings lies
in their consciousness as well. Consciousness can and probably does
exist in Sister Earth’s plasma ocean which has been evolving for as long
we have; Other-Earth has been with us from the beginning.
In fact, Jay Alfred tells us that it is likely that beings of
Other-Earth are as diverse as all of Visible Earth’s life-forms, thus
they vary as much as our microbes do from our whales, as much as
mosquitoes from tigers, as much as giraffes from crocodiles, and as much
as human beings vary from ants. Other-Earth beings probably vary in
awareness to these extreme degrees; there may well be highly aware and
evolved beings, equal or beyond our present stage of evolution.
Of course quantum physics also states that there are countless “Earths”
because there are endless alternate dimensions; there must be countless
Dark Earths, therefore. And, do the dark halos of other planets contain
conscious beings? How all this fits together is beyond me, but it was
also beyond Einstein, so I shouldn’t feel bad.
Strangely enough, the super-symmetric theory of the universe can’t
be proved until physicists manage to unify the field – that which
stumped Einstein. So we should not feel bad if we are confused!
However, the revelation that Earth has a dark sister and has always had
this giant dark Significant Other, a world which is also Earth – is
I want to add here that this is not the anti-matter universe; that is apparently an entirely different subject.
In Part Two of “Is There a Place Composed of Dark Matter and Dark Plasma Called Other Earth?” we’ll look into:
Might parallel Dark Earth be the world of the after-life?
Do dark plasma beings form symbiotic, even spiritual relationships with
counterpart humans? Might they guide the consciousness of a human after
death? Might they be our elusive angels?
Are some Other-Earth beings evil or at least cold scientists who might abduct and capture a “dense being” for an hour?
Is this the source of Jinns? These illusive life-forms have always been
thought to be from “ultra-terrestrial Earth.” Jinns and ghosts are
thought to pass through walls, being less-dense molecularly than we are.
UFOs blink out of existence; do they return simply to Other-Earth?
Is Other-Earth the source of space and atmospheric critters and bright colored orbs which sometimes have a translucent quality?
If dark plasma “over-lays” visible matter, does an individual become
dizzy and disoriented as in UFO encounters? It is thought that
concentrated dark plasma would have this effect on us.
What is the source of plasma-like UFOs? All we can guess is, “They come
from a plasma dimension.” Other-Earth is a plasma dimension.
Picture: Our Lady of Fatima was first a ball of light
How many times has an apparition or angel first appeared as a ball or
disk of light, only to become the form of an angel or ghost when it gets
near to a human?
Do our dark cousins read our thought vibrations as they come closer, and
thus become what we can understand? In other words, do they “arrive” as
a ball of plasma and become an angel, ghost, or UFO for our perception
and benefit?
In an article on future human time travelers, I mentioned that they
would have an interest in the welfare of Earth whereas actual aliens
would not.
UFO occupants have manipulated nuclear missile codes and otherwise
illustrated an interest in the welfare of the planet itself. The same
argument can be made regarding Other-Earth beings who would also have a
vested interest in rocky Visible Earth’s welfare, which is the core of
their dark halo domain.
Part Two will be published soon.
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